Join us for a season of events to raise money for the arts hosted by creatives at Pulp!

  • VOICES + VINO - March 4th at 7pm

    £20 including a free glass of wine on arrival!

    An evening of listening to singers, drinking wine, fundraising & supporting a young theatre company (who are also pulp staff members) Raised funds go towards helping them put on their new play this summer in Londons Camden fringe.

  • A SOUTH AMERICAN LUNCH - May 28th from 4pm

    An afternoon of South American food & plenty of wine...

    Supporting a new short film -THREE HOUSES exploring the reality of families who suffer with
    loves ones behind bars.

    Written & directed by one of our amazing staff members.

  • CRIMBO CAROLS NOV 30th 3-5pm

    Enjoy some carols with us at Pulp, just turn up we will see you there!


    An evening of festive indulgence run by 'Flowers by Louise'

    An indulgent welcome drinkcourtsey of Pulp, whilst you catch up with your fellow creatives, before we get onto the main event of creating a fabulous Wreath to adorn your door. 

  • A PORT IN A FESTIVE STORM - WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 4th Table bookings available from 5pm - 8:30pm

    Every shade, every option, every age.

    White, tawny, young, aged, & Madiera… the tales & the talk. A fun-loving dive into the depths of fortified wines with a few nice foody-bites to share.

  • A CHRISTMAS SHOWDOWN - WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 11TH table bookings available from 5pm - 8:30pm

    Lots of wine. Lots of knowledge. All the flavour & fun.

    All the wine ideas you’ll need for the guests you must host, parties you will throw, gifts you might to share. Or just a chance to sit, drink & be merry. We’ll pop the bubbles, chill the whites, quaff the reds & finish with everything sweet that’ll help make you feel like it’s already Christmas Day & you’re contemplating that second slice of Christmas pud…